Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Rizz - Level 5

xp: 5,585 (I didn't add in the xp for Rover book yet, so + 252xp)

now also has Master's Wand of Magic Missile: +1 to hit, +1 damage, & on crit +1d8 damge.
If mm spell hits, any target is Pushed 1 square
(or see Book)
Master's Wand of Cloud of Daggers: Encounter, as spell, but min damage is 2 HP
(one wand held firmly in each hand, in dangerous areas)

more Rituals known:
Amaneunsis (lev 1)
(lev 1) Demon Ritual - name or summoning
Eyes of Alarm (lev 2)
Detect Secret Doors (lev 3
(no components on hand, for those) -

+ some more rituals...
encumbrance total carried: unencumbered < 50lbs (or less than 80)

Riley Penyfeather Halfling, Wizard: 4
xp: 5,585 DEMP: 4 pt. (spent one to get a +1 wand, for 270gp)

S 8 -1
C 10
D 16 +3
I 19 +4
W 13 +1
Ch 12 +1
Initiative: +9 (+3 Dex, +2 [1/2 lev.] +4 from Feat)

AC: 16
(18 vs opportunity [Racial] or second chance [Racial Feat] or - 20 vs Opp AND 2nd) ...and, See ** next:
** SHIELD ** - Spell - IMMEDIATE Interrupt: +4 to AC, Or REFLEX, vs. 1 Attack. so AC 20 w/ shield, 22 vs second chance,

Yo! I am Slippery; Don't let them hit me! (Basically, use the Shield, Immediate Interrupt, if you were hit by less than 4. or use the second chance power, if you are hit and shield can't block it. Then, if still get hit, use the 1/2ling Feat, to get +2 to AC, (again, use shield then if you didn't, if the 4 pts of AC will make a difference. so for that second chance, they must hit AC: 22, or AC 24, if it is an opportunity Attack. Halflings get +2 vs. all Opportunity attacks.)

FORT: 12
RFLX: 15
WILL: 15

HP: 36 (Bloodied @ 18)
Surges/ Day = 7 (Surge Value: 9)
Action Points: 1
Speed: 6
Passive Insight: 16
Passive Percptn: 11

RACE FEATURES: Second Chance: Encounter - (force enemy to reroll any hit - & @ -2, due to Feat) +2 AC vs Opportunity Attacks

Languages- Halfling Taldorian (common)

FEAT: Halfling Agility (-2 penalty to new attack roll) Improved Initiative (+4 to Init Rolls)
+1 Feat

Class Features:
* Wand Implement Mastery (Encounter: +3 to hit, for one Attack)
* CANTRIPS- (at will) ghost sound mage hand (minor action) Prestidigitation Light (minor action)

 Ritual Casting- (Rituals Known)
Comprehend Languages (3 castings worth of components) Tenser's Floating Disk (4 castings worth of components)
Make Whole
Extra book, as Wizard (+1 Daily & 1 Utility per level)

AT WILL POWERS- All INT Based, so +7 to hit (with magic +1 level 1 wand)
- Thunder Wave (Blast3) 1d6+6 / INT (+7) v. FORT (good vs minions, but you have to get too close)
- Magic Missile (Range 20) 2d4+6 / INT (+7) v. RFLX

Encounter POWERS:
- Force Orb (+7) v. Rflx (use Wand for +3 to hit, [so +9] 1/ Encounter power, on the primary target) Ranged 20. 2d8+6 force damage, make 2ndary attack. if hit, then you can roll vs secondary targets, each that are adjacent. 2ndary Hit = 1d10 +6 damage. +1 Level 3,
Encounter Power (Lightning one) INT +7 vs

- Sleep (Burst 2, Range 20) INT (+7) v WILL (or use the Wand on this one, per encounter, for extra +2 to hit, vs. 1 target. )
* Flaming Sphere... d20+6 vs. reflex - (don't bother with it, devils' stuff. really, this is all I know about hellfires.) - it does auto damage to adjacent, and is a move action to control / roll. it lasts for the encounter, if you concentrate (up to 5 minutes, so it maybe come in handy, after all) 2d6+ 6 fire damage (one creature) sustain minor - Flaming Sphere [Revision] -
Player's Handbook, page 160
Move the Effect line above the Target line and replace the text with the following:
Effect: You conjure a Medium flaming sphere that occupies a square within range, (10) and the sphere attacks. Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the sphere takes 1d4 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. As a move action, you can move the sphere 6 squares.


- SHIELD (see AC, above) - Encounter: IMMEDIATE Interupt.
Trigger: hit by an attack: + 4 to AC (& see extra AC bonuses, from Feat & Halfling trait, ** Above ^ )

- Expeditious Retreat -Daily (also in book - but use shield, if fighting, & you know you will be fighting.)

Black / Dark-Brown Skinned, a shock of Long black hair, short & tough, scowling
Personality Traits:
Quick witted, skeptical, affronted, guarded

3 healing potions (minor action - spend 1 surge +10 hp)
wand (non-magical)
clothes (2 sets)
boots, cloak, belt & pouch
satchel, waterskin

Book w/ pen & ink
+1 magic Halfling leather armor (in room at Amiko's)

+1 Wand, 'Wand of Niska M'vashta' (+1 to hit, +1 damage & +1d6 damage on crits.)

3 cp
12 sp
5 GP
40 dwarven Platinums (= 4k in gold)

Trained Skills:

Acrobatics = +5 (racial +2)
Thievery = +5 (racial +2)
Stealth: +3

Athletics = -1
Religion = +4

+1 for: Bluff, Dungeoneering, Heal, Insight, Intimidate, Intimidate, Nature, Perception, Streetwise.
+0 for Endurance.

I would set up this way:
- prepare Shield & Flaming Sphere

- for Encounters, you have:
Shield (+4 to AC)
Second Chance (& the second, reroll vs me is with +2 to my AC, from feat)
Force orb (can hit adjacents, so probably use the wand focus, for +2 to hit primary)
& 1 use of Wand focus, for +2 to hit for one attack.
(then you also have the daily power available)

- at wills: usually snipe with magic missile, or try thunderwave, if you are close & can get many in the blast.

- just be careful of casting adjacent to enemies, don't cast anything that says Ranged, in that situation.
Light is a minor action to cast, and don't forget the other cantrips, you can be tricky with them.

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