Thursday, May 7, 2009

Buried in Sand Pointe

Nuale's two henchmen, the humans that turned on her, escaped with us across the channel. I didn't pay much attention to the fighting man, but I talked to the wizardess, "Lyrie," a lot. She understood that I wanted to go back to Thistle Top, but she warned against it. I questioned her on all she knew about demons, and especially about Malfeshnekor. She said it was summoned and held there by magic, long ago. Nuale' was trying to control it, but just freed it in the end, out of spite.
The rest debated with her companion, Orik. I had thought maybe the pair would aid us, in the future, but they were too well known as criminals to be seen in public or in our company. Lyk wanted to take them to jail, but it seemed fair that since they kind of helped us in the end, they should at least go free, for now. Although we couldn't leave them defenseless, we needed some restitution or guarantee, from them.
Lyrie agreed to help us, in a way, letting me copy some rituals from her book into mine. She has really exquisite handwriting, and I have to say these four rituals I got from her stand out as the neatliest scribed in my book, despite that I probably wrote them the fastest of any; there on that beach with the demon on our heels.
She showed me the most minor demon ritual, the one that I never used at the Acadamie. I escaped before that class, and I never summoned any demons or devils. She also showed me, "Amaneunsis:" something to aid in copying scrolls, rituals and writing. Then she also had two more for me: one to detect secret doors, and the other creating eyes of alarm, to watch over me as I rest. All very useful and in a way, Lyrie would be watching over me in the times that I employ them, almost as if she was there with me.
So we parted not as friends, but not as enemies; and I wondered what adventures those two would have, what else Lyrie could instruct me about magic, and if I would ever see either of them again.

We went back to Sand Point, which seemed a much longer journey than any we had ever made between the two places. I kept thinking of some way to kill the demon - some ice spells might hurt it more? - or a way to make sure it couldn't get loose upon the world. It was a big demon, and maybe we were lucky just to escape. Still, I knew there must be more treasure there; Some valuables to help Amiko reopen her late father's glass factory and secure her future - and perhaps mine as well. I even considered just sneaking in and running out, to recapture a trinket or some wealth. I even know a spell that can make me move faster, for a short time. When I told the others, Brunt advised that his diety said it would be certain death and a fool's venture.

By the time we got in town, it all seemed too far away that it bothered me less, and I was too tired from it all to go back there too soon. I just wanted to see Amiko and let her know that I was okay. She was glad to see me, but she wasn't as happy as I thought she'd be. Amiko let us know that she called a town council for tomorrow. She wanted Lyk to be the sherriff, accusing his uncle Belor of incompetence, since the town had gone to hell, well almost, under his lack of protection.
But the council decided to keep Belor and to award us, The Saviors of Sand Pointe, Daviren's "Goblinsquash" Stables, since he was dead and had no heirs.

Belor was still away on his mission, even though we already took care of the whole problem he had went away to get help, by the time he returned to Sand Pointe. When he got back a day or two after we had saved the town yet again, he decided he would lead us into the caves under the glassworks. There was probably some unfinished business down there. We sure didn't need him, but I guess he wanted to show everyone how he could be useful. Belor even brought along a few of the town guards, just in case he needed someone to order around. Before we descended, I cast my ritual to create an invisible floating disk, to carry out any goodies I might find.

We delved beneath the glassworks once again, back the way that we had already explored when we were there before looking for Amiko, this time with Lyk and his uncle Belor in the lead, and the few town's guards at the rear. I wound up kind of just hanging in the middle as we walked, going unnoticed.

After returning to the torture room that we ended at, in our last trip down, there were three doors. Beyond one, we discovered a study, filled with books! Too bad that most of them disintegrated into dust when we touched them, they were so old. Some had runes on them, and I wanted to study them all, but there was no time there and then for that. We searched and were able to recover sixteen Thassalonian Rune tomes - the same runes that were on Nuale's amulet.

Instead of checking the other two doors, we went back up the stairs, passing back through that room where there was a strange undead ghoul in the pool. After that, we saw a checkered floored chamber. That floor was trapped, and the wood broke, causing some cave-ins.

So we went back to a locked door. Inside was the strangest sight: a dead raven was floating in the middle of that room, floating with it was a book, a wand, a scoll, and a bottle of wine. The walls arched up to the domed ceiling, all made of a red metal, and covered with strange but familiar runes. We were unsure of entering it, whether it would kill one of us, too, or what else could happen. This puzzle included a halo of maggots, suspended around the raven. Maybe the raven died two weeks ago? But then someone brought flies here to lay maggots in it? I cast a shock sphere into the room, one of the newer spells I had researched, and that killed the maggots, leaving the rest unaffected. There must have been some powerful levitation ritual to cause all these hovering objects. So I used my magical Mage Hand, to guide the objects, one at a time, from the room, into my hand. The bottle of wine had been opened, half drunk, and dated only eight years ago. The wand was a Master's Wand of Cloud of Daggers, a spell I had heard of, but never tried to cast myself. The book was maybe two or three hundred years old and about ancient Thassalonia, with a drawing of Lamaashtu. We closed and locked the door to maybe unpuzzle this mystery later.... Better not to risk anything, while more uncertin foes could be stalking us down there.

We returned to the double doors where all the demons; "spirits" went toward, in our first and only trip into this place before. Beyond those doors, we heard a deep goblin voice and also a higher pitched one. We passed the shrine of Lamaashtu, to an underground cathedral. There we found Korvis - the long missing goblin of legends, weilding his two-handed Human-sized axe. Next to him hovered a small, red, impish female with wings and a tail. She must have been Euryliam, Nuale's mentor that we had head about. I really wanted to challenge her to a spell duel, or at least take her out myself. Instead, Belor charged the imp just before she turned invisible. Then he somehow hit her again, turning her into mist, to drift toward the fountain. I was able to slow Korvis down from my spell, and then Lyk hit him twice. One more spell from me, and Korvis was down on the ground, so Lyk finished him off with one last axe swing.

Boiling water filled the large pool and a fountain spouted from the middle. The whole thing was ringed by human skulls, and I could sense a powerful magic from it. There was a triangular pool at the other end, up the pulpit, filled to almost overflowing with an orange boiling liquid. Steam and heat rising from that was actually a mist going into it, but it felt cold. Between us, we figured it must summon the demons. Like that other room no one wanted to enter, no one wanted to touch this. It needed to be stopped somehow, but we would have to figure it out later. We recoverd the items from these foes, including Euryliam's dagger, tiara, gown and unholy symbol of Lamaashtu.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Rizz - Level 5

xp: 5,585 (I didn't add in the xp for Rover book yet, so + 252xp)

now also has Master's Wand of Magic Missile: +1 to hit, +1 damage, & on crit +1d8 damge.
If mm spell hits, any target is Pushed 1 square
(or see Book)
Master's Wand of Cloud of Daggers: Encounter, as spell, but min damage is 2 HP
(one wand held firmly in each hand, in dangerous areas)

more Rituals known:
Amaneunsis (lev 1)
(lev 1) Demon Ritual - name or summoning
Eyes of Alarm (lev 2)
Detect Secret Doors (lev 3
(no components on hand, for those) -

+ some more rituals...
encumbrance total carried: unencumbered < 50lbs (or less than 80)

Riley Penyfeather Halfling, Wizard: 4
xp: 5,585 DEMP: 4 pt. (spent one to get a +1 wand, for 270gp)

S 8 -1
C 10
D 16 +3
I 19 +4
W 13 +1
Ch 12 +1
Initiative: +9 (+3 Dex, +2 [1/2 lev.] +4 from Feat)

AC: 16
(18 vs opportunity [Racial] or second chance [Racial Feat] or - 20 vs Opp AND 2nd) ...and, See ** next:
** SHIELD ** - Spell - IMMEDIATE Interrupt: +4 to AC, Or REFLEX, vs. 1 Attack. so AC 20 w/ shield, 22 vs second chance,

Yo! I am Slippery; Don't let them hit me! (Basically, use the Shield, Immediate Interrupt, if you were hit by less than 4. or use the second chance power, if you are hit and shield can't block it. Then, if still get hit, use the 1/2ling Feat, to get +2 to AC, (again, use shield then if you didn't, if the 4 pts of AC will make a difference. so for that second chance, they must hit AC: 22, or AC 24, if it is an opportunity Attack. Halflings get +2 vs. all Opportunity attacks.)

FORT: 12
RFLX: 15
WILL: 15

HP: 36 (Bloodied @ 18)
Surges/ Day = 7 (Surge Value: 9)
Action Points: 1
Speed: 6
Passive Insight: 16
Passive Percptn: 11

RACE FEATURES: Second Chance: Encounter - (force enemy to reroll any hit - & @ -2, due to Feat) +2 AC vs Opportunity Attacks

Languages- Halfling Taldorian (common)

FEAT: Halfling Agility (-2 penalty to new attack roll) Improved Initiative (+4 to Init Rolls)
+1 Feat

Class Features:
* Wand Implement Mastery (Encounter: +3 to hit, for one Attack)
* CANTRIPS- (at will) ghost sound mage hand (minor action) Prestidigitation Light (minor action)

 Ritual Casting- (Rituals Known)
Comprehend Languages (3 castings worth of components) Tenser's Floating Disk (4 castings worth of components)
Make Whole
Extra book, as Wizard (+1 Daily & 1 Utility per level)

AT WILL POWERS- All INT Based, so +7 to hit (with magic +1 level 1 wand)
- Thunder Wave (Blast3) 1d6+6 / INT (+7) v. FORT (good vs minions, but you have to get too close)
- Magic Missile (Range 20) 2d4+6 / INT (+7) v. RFLX

Encounter POWERS:
- Force Orb (+7) v. Rflx (use Wand for +3 to hit, [so +9] 1/ Encounter power, on the primary target) Ranged 20. 2d8+6 force damage, make 2ndary attack. if hit, then you can roll vs secondary targets, each that are adjacent. 2ndary Hit = 1d10 +6 damage. +1 Level 3,
Encounter Power (Lightning one) INT +7 vs

- Sleep (Burst 2, Range 20) INT (+7) v WILL (or use the Wand on this one, per encounter, for extra +2 to hit, vs. 1 target. )
* Flaming Sphere... d20+6 vs. reflex - (don't bother with it, devils' stuff. really, this is all I know about hellfires.) - it does auto damage to adjacent, and is a move action to control / roll. it lasts for the encounter, if you concentrate (up to 5 minutes, so it maybe come in handy, after all) 2d6+ 6 fire damage (one creature) sustain minor - Flaming Sphere [Revision] -
Player's Handbook, page 160
Move the Effect line above the Target line and replace the text with the following:
Effect: You conjure a Medium flaming sphere that occupies a square within range, (10) and the sphere attacks. Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the sphere takes 1d4 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. As a move action, you can move the sphere 6 squares.


- SHIELD (see AC, above) - Encounter: IMMEDIATE Interupt.
Trigger: hit by an attack: + 4 to AC (& see extra AC bonuses, from Feat & Halfling trait, ** Above ^ )

- Expeditious Retreat -Daily (also in book - but use shield, if fighting, & you know you will be fighting.)

Black / Dark-Brown Skinned, a shock of Long black hair, short & tough, scowling
Personality Traits:
Quick witted, skeptical, affronted, guarded

3 healing potions (minor action - spend 1 surge +10 hp)
wand (non-magical)
clothes (2 sets)
boots, cloak, belt & pouch
satchel, waterskin

Book w/ pen & ink
+1 magic Halfling leather armor (in room at Amiko's)

+1 Wand, 'Wand of Niska M'vashta' (+1 to hit, +1 damage & +1d6 damage on crits.)

3 cp
12 sp
5 GP
40 dwarven Platinums (= 4k in gold)

Trained Skills:

Acrobatics = +5 (racial +2)
Thievery = +5 (racial +2)
Stealth: +3

Athletics = -1
Religion = +4

+1 for: Bluff, Dungeoneering, Heal, Insight, Intimidate, Intimidate, Nature, Perception, Streetwise.
+0 for Endurance.

I would set up this way:
- prepare Shield & Flaming Sphere

- for Encounters, you have:
Shield (+4 to AC)
Second Chance (& the second, reroll vs me is with +2 to my AC, from feat)
Force orb (can hit adjacents, so probably use the wand focus, for +2 to hit primary)
& 1 use of Wand focus, for +2 to hit for one attack.
(then you also have the daily power available)

- at wills: usually snipe with magic missile, or try thunderwave, if you are close & can get many in the blast.

- just be careful of casting adjacent to enemies, don't cast anything that says Ranged, in that situation.
Light is a minor action to cast, and don't forget the other cantrips, you can be tricky with them.

The Rizzard, Level 4

xp: 5,050) I didn't add in the xp for Rover book yet, so + 252xp

now also has Master's Wand of Magic Missile: +1 to hit, +1 damage, & on crit +1d8 damge.
If mm spell hits, any target is Pushed 1 square
(or see Book)

more Rituals known:
Amaneunsis (lev 1)
(lev 1) Demon Ritual - name or summoning
Eyes of Alarm (lev 2)
Detect Secret Doors (lev 3
(no components on hand, for those) -

+ some more rituals...
encumbrance total carried: unencumbered < 50lbs (or less than 80)

Riley Penyfeather Halfling, Wizard: 4
xp: 5,050 DEMP: 4 pt. (spent one to get a +1 wand, for 270gp)
S 8 -1
C 10
D 16 +3
I 19 +4
W 13 +1
Ch 12 +1
Initiative: +9 (+3 Dex, +2 [1/2 lev.] +4 from Feat)

AC: 16 -
(18 vs opportunity [Racial] or second chance [Racial Feat] or - 20 vs Opp AND 2nd) ...and, See ** next:
** SHIELD ** - Spell - IMMEDIATE Interrupt: +4 to AC, Or REFLEX, vs. 1 Attack. so AC 20 w/ shield, 22 vs second chance,

Yo! I am Slippery; Don't let them hit me! (Basically, use the Shield, Immediate Interrupt, if you were hit by less than 4. or use the second chance power, if you are hit and shield can't block it. Then, if still get hit, use the 1/2ling Feat, to get +2 to AC, (again, use shield then if you didn't, if the 4 pts of AC will make a difference. so for that second chance, they must hit AC: 22, or AC 24, if it is an opportunity Attack. Halflings get +2 vs. all Opportunity attacks.)

FORT: 12
RFLX: 15
WILL: 15

HP: 32 (Bloodied @ 16)
Surges/ Day = 7 (Surge Value: 8)
Action Points: 1
Speed: 6
Passive Insight: 16
Passive Percptn: 11

RACE FEATURES: Second Chance: Encounter - (force enemy to reroll any hit - & @ -2, due to Feat) +2 AC vs Opportunity Attacks

Languages- Halfling Taldorian (common)

FEAT: Halfling Agility (-2 penalty to new attack roll) Improved Initiative (+4 to Init Rolls)
+1 feat

Class Features:
* Wand Implement Mastery (Encounter: +3 to hit, for one Attack)
* CANTRIPS- (at will) ghost sound mage hand (minor action) Prestidigitation Light (minor action)

 Ritual Casting- (Rituals Known)
Comprehend Languages (3 castings worth of components) Tenser's Floating Disk (4 castings worth of components)
Make Whole
Extra book, as Wizard (+1 Daily & 1 Utility per level)

AT WILL POWERS- All INT Based, so +7 to hit (with magic +1 level 1 wand)
- Thunder Wave (Blast3) 1d6+6 / INT (+7) v. FORT (good vs minions, but you have to get too close)
- Magic Missile (Range 20) 2d4+6 / INT (+7) v. RFLX

Encounter POWERS:
- Force Orb (+7) v. Rflx (use Wand for +3 to hit, [so +9] 1/ Encounter power, on the primary target) Ranged 20. 2d8+6 force damage, make 2ndary attack. if hit, then you can roll vs secondary targets, each that are adjacent. 2ndary Hit = 1d10 +6 damage. +1 Level 3,
Encounter Power (Lightning one) INT +7 vs

- Sleep (Burst 2, Range 20) INT (+7) v WILL (or use the Wand on this one, per encounter, for extra +2 to hit, vs. 1 target. )
* Flaming Sphere... d20+6 vs. reflex - (don't bother with it, devils' stuff. really, this is all I know about hellfires.) - it does auto damage to adjacent, and is a move action to control / roll. it lasts for the encounter, if you concentrate (up to 5 minutes, so it maybe come in handy, after all) 2d6+ 6 fire damage (one creature) sustain minor - Flaming Sphere [Revision] -
Player's Handbook, page 160
Move the Effect line above the Target line and replace the text with the following:
Effect: You conjure a Medium flaming sphere that occupies a square within range, (10) and the sphere attacks. Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the sphere takes 1d4 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. As a move action, you can move the sphere 6 squares.

- SHIELD (see AC, above) - Encounter: IMMEDIATE Interupt.
Trigger: hit by an attack: + 4 to AC (& see extra AC bonuses, from Feat & Halfling trait, ** Above ^ )

- Expeditious Retreat -Daily (also in book - but use shield, if fighting, & you know you will be fighting.)

Black / Dark-Brown Skinned, a shock of Long black hair, short & tough, scowling
Personality Traits:
Quick witted, skeptical, affronted, guarded

3 healing potions (minor action - spend 1 surge +10 hp)
wand (non-magical)
clothes (2 sets)
boots, cloak, belt & pouch
satchel, waterskin

Book w/ pen & ink
+1 magic Halfling leather armor (in room at Amiko's)

+1 Wand, 'Wand of Niska M'vashta' (+1 to hit, +1 damage & +1d6 damage on crits.)

3 cp
12 sp

Trained Skills:

Acrobatics = +5 (racial +2)
Thievery = +5 (racial +2)
Stealth: +3

Athletics = -1
Religion = +4

+1 for: Bluff, Dungeoneering, Heal, Insight, Intimidate, Intimidate, Nature, Perception, Streetwise.
+0 for Endurance.

I would set up this way:
- prepare Shield & Flaming Sphere

- for Encounters, you have:
Shield (+4 to AC)
Second Chance (& the second, reroll vs me is with +2 to my AC, from feat)
Force orb (can hit adjacents, so probably use the wand focus, for +2 to hit primary)
& 1 use of Wand focus, for +2 to hit for one attack.
(then you also have the daily power available)

- at wills: usually snipe with magic missile, or try thunderwave, if you are close & can get many in the blast.

- just be careful of casting adjacent to enemies, don't cast anything that says Ranged, in that situation.
Light is a minor action to cast, and don't forget the other cantrips, you can be tricky with them.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Rizzle, Level 3

Edit / Update, for 11/21/08: (still level 3, xp: 3,583)
now also has Master's Wand of Magic Missile: +1 to hit, +1 damage, & on crit +1d8 damge.
If mm spell hits, any target is Pushed 1 square
(or see Book)

more Rituals known:
Amaneunsis (lev 1)
(lev 1) Demon Ritual - name or summoning
Eyes of Alarm (lev 2)
Detect Secret Doors (lev 3
(no components on hand, for those) -

encumbrance total carried: unencumbered < 50lbs (or less than 80)
Riley Penyfeather Halfling, Wizard: 3
xp: 2,488 DEMP: 4 pt. (spent one to get a +1 wand, for 270gp)
S 8 -1
C 10
D 15 +2
I 18 +4
W 13 +1
Ch 12 +1
Initiative: +7 (+2 Dex, +1 [1/2 lev.] +4 from Feat)

AC: 15 **
(17 vs opportunity [Racial] or second chance [Racial Feat] or - 19 vs Opp AND 2nd) ...and, See ** next:
** SHIELD ** - Spell - IMMEDIATE Interrupt: +4 to AC, Or REFLEX, vs. 1 Attack. so AC 19 w/ shield, 21 vs second chance, or 23 vs 2nd chance, opportunity & using Shield. (Encounter Exploit)
Yo! I am Slippery; Don't let them hit me! (Basically, use the Shield, Immediate Interrupt, if you were hit by less than 4. or use the second chance power, if you are hit and shield can't block it. Then, if still get hit, use the 1/2ling Feat, to get +2 to AC, (again, use shield then if you didn't, if the 4 pts of AC will make a difference. so for that second chance, they must hit AC: 21, or AC 23, if it is an opportunity Attack. Halflings get +2 vs. all Opportunity attacks.)

FORT: 11
RFLX: 13
WILL: 14

HP: 28 (Bloodied @ 14)
Surges/ Day = 6 (Surge Value: 7)
Action Points: 1
Speed: 6
Passive Insight: 16
Passive Percptn: 11

RACE FEATURES: Second Chance: Encounter - (force enemy to reroll any hit - & @ -2, due to Feat) +2 AC vs Opportunity Attacks

Languages- Halfling Taldorian (common)

FEAT: Halfling Agility (-2 penalty to new attack roll) Improved Initiative (+4 to Init Rolls)

Class Features:
* Wand Implement Mastery (Encounter: +2 to hit, for one Attack)
* CANTRIPS- (at will) ghost sound mage hand (minor action) Prestidigitation Light (minor action)

 Ritual Casting- (Rituals Known)
Comprehend Languages (3 castings worth of components) Tenser's Floating Disk (4 castings worth of components) Make Whole Extra book, as Wizard (+1 Daily & 1 Utility per level)

AT WILL POWERS- All INT Based, so +6 to hit (with magic +1 level 1 wand)
- Thunder Wave (Blast3) 1d6+6 / INT (+6) v. FORT (good vs minions, but you have to get too close)
- Magic Missile (Range 20) 2d4+6 / INT (+6) v. RFLX

Encounter POWERS:
- Force Orb (+6) v. Rflx (use Wand for +2 to hit, [so +8] 1/ Encounter power, on the primary target) Ranged 20. 2d8+6 force damage, make 2ndary attack. if hit, then you can roll vs secondary targets, each that are adjacent. 2ndary Hit = 1d10 +6 damage. +1 Level 3, Encounter Power (Lightning one, or maybe Icy one?)

- Sleep (Burst 2, Range 20) INT (+6) v WILL (or use the Wand on this one, per encounter, for extra +2 to hit, vs. 1 target. )
* Flaming Sphere... d20+6 vs. reflex - (don't bother with it, devils' stuff. really, this is all I know about hellfires.) - it does auto damage to adjacent, and is a move action to control / roll. it lasts for the encounter, if you concentrate (up to 5 minutes, so it maybe come in handy, after all) 2d6+ 6 fire damage (one creature) sustain minor - Flaming Sphere [Revision] -
Player's Handbook, page 160
Move the Effect line above the Target line and replace the text with the following:
Effect: You conjure a Medium flaming sphere that occupies a square within range, (10) and the sphere attacks. Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the sphere takes 1d4 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. As a move action, you can move the sphere 6 squares.

- SHIELD (see AC, above) - Encounter: IMMEDIATE Interupt.
Trigger: hit by an attack: + 4 to AC (& see extra AC bonuses, from Feat & Halfling trait, ** Above ^ )

- Expeditious Retreat -Daily (also in book - but use shield, if fighting, & you know you will be fighting.)

Black / Dark-Brown Skinned, a shock of Long black hair, short & tough, scowling
Personality Traits:
Quick witted, skeptical, affronted, guarded

3 healing potions (minor action - spend 1 surge +10 hp)
wand (non-magical)
clothes (2 sets)
boots, cloak, belt & pouch
satchel, waterskin

Book w/ pen & ink
+1 magic Halfling leather armor (in room at Amiko's)

+1 Wand, 'Wand of Niska M'vashta' (+1 to hit, +1 damage & +1d6 damage on crits.)

3 cp
12 sp
(I owe Lyke 5 gp for potion)
& I owe Andrian 70 gp from wand +1

Trained Skills:

Acrobatics = +5 (racial +2)
Thievery = +3 (racial +2)
Stealth: +2

Athletics = -1
Religion = +4

+1 for: Bluff, Dungeoneering, Heal, Insight, Intimidate, Intimidate, Nature, Perception, Streetwise.
+0 for Endurance.

I would set up this way:
- prepare Shield & Flaming Sphere

- for Encounters, you have:
Shield (+4 to AC)
Second Chance (& the second, reroll vs me is with +2 to my AC, from feat)
Force orb (can hit adjacents, so probably use the wand focus, for +2 to hit primary)
& 1 use of Wand focus, for +2 to hit for one attack.
(then you also have the daily power available)

- at wills: usually snipe with magic missile, or try thunderwave, if you are close & can get many in the blast.

- just be careful of casting adjacent to enemies, don't cast anything that says Ranged, in that situation.
Light is a minor action to cast, and don't forget the other cantrips, you can be tricky with them.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The End of the Beginning

Last time, we went by land to Thistletop, just made it over burning bridge and then the goblins retreated within, and they burned down the top wooden fortress. Also, the horse Silvermist was so badly wounded that Andrien had to finish it off with a crossbow bolt, to end its pain.

We were able to escape by distracting Yip Yip with goblin carcasses & then climbing down & swimming away.

This morning:

Having no time for theatre and play, I gave the magic halfling leather armor to Amiko, leaving it in one of her rooms, and later asked Andrien about a magic wand. He looked into it with some old woman in town, named Madame Vashti. I had given him my 2 dwarven Platinums to get one, but he said the "Wand of Niska M'Veshta" had cost 270 gold, so he covered me the rest & I can owe him the extra seventy.... But that does seem a fair price for a wand. I was surprised to find one, in this remote place, and glad of our "heroes" discount.

The next day, we returned by boat, bringing Daviren, and scaled up to the rear garbage area, where Andrien had fallen before so many times. At the top, we discovered the carcass of that tentacled, carrion creature that was now missing some cuts from its flanks, as if the goblins had been dining on the monster that had once helped to dispose of their garbage. Lyk dragged it to the edge and pushed it off, into the waters far below.

We heard goblins chanting and then a woman's singing voice - that had to be Nuale' - mixed through that. The only recognizable word was "Lamaashtu" - so we knew there would be trouble. Brunt said a prayer over all of us, to protect us from the enemies' attacks.

Andrien went to check one of the doors that went unexplored last time we were there, but he had heard goblins beyond it that time; while the rest of us headed toward that evil shrine, where Nuale' must surely be waiting.

But before we got to open the doors to Lamaashtu's temple, we all heard Andrien cry from back around the corridor that he had gone to investigate alone. I was in the middle, so I moved to the rear of our column, to see what was going on and if I could help. I conjured up a ball of orange hellfire - one of the only things that I come close to dabbling in, of that devil magic used so frequently by my instructors from the Acadamie. After all, I owed Andrien seventy gold pieces, so if anything happened to him....

Soon, a flood of goblins filled into the room, behind us, that faced out to the sea. A much larger creature charged before them: Their leader, Brunthalsmus. Andrien looked like he had been hit, but he was able to get into the corridor and stand before me, to protect me, just in time.

My hellfire orb was close to the big hairy beast, and although I was unable to strike him with it directly, the ball of flame eventually smoked many goblins, so I kept my concentration on directing it, to where it could do the most. It was behind the enemies' line, and they could not harm it as it burned to death any goblin who was next to it.

Most everyone focused on attacking Brunthalsmus, the bugbear. Shalalu, his nemesis, and Carufinwe fired arrows, whizzing over my head at him. Finally Lyk ran back and chopped off its head, with the new skull-headed ax that was sent to him as a gift from Aldern Foxglove.

Then the other side corridor, from where we had heard the snarling slurping creature sounds days before, opened up, and many more goblins poured into the room, again blocking our escape. At the other end of our now defensive corridor, near the temple, Daviren had held that door, since it was quiet and hadn't opened yet. Brunt filed past us from up there and went back to help Lyk. As the goblins filled in past Lyk and Brunt, the axe and hammer fell many times, leaving only corpses surrounding them.

I soon heard Daviren's battle cry and the sounds of fighting from there, so we were fighting on three fronts now, although the large evil double doors had not opened yet, and there was no sign of Nuale', nor any end to the ranks of her goblin minions.

Eventually, some of the goblins in the exit room thinned out, and Daviren seemed to have bottle necked most of the ones at his end. Then the large double doors opened and it started all over again. We had to switch back up toward that way, and I was somehow able to get myself and my orb up there. However, in the confusion of battle, I was stuck at the front rank of our line, as I had almost been when this fight had begun, and I was exposed to the many arrows of the goblin archers within the temple. I even got a glimpse of Nuale' up there, on the dias behind her minions, in her black armor and weilding a large sword in her oversized clawed hand. Luckily, I threw my Shielding spell up and went unscathed from the many arrows flying at me - that time. Andrien returned to stand before me, and we had some debate over how best to array our forces, and where to direct the elves; but he left it to me, and I kind of messed up. So he returned back to the other rooms, to try another approach. Of course, I should have expected that Daviren would not listen to reason either.

One goblin jumped over my sphere, which could not block arrows, but I was more worried about the archers than that guy. However, I had to stay up there to see and to direct my Sphere of Hellfire, and I got off a Thunderwave spell that dropped a few, but the second volley of goblin arrows nearly dropped me, if not for my crazy halfling luck. What's more, first one goblin and later another misfired their arrows into an aiming archer, killing one less chance to hit me, as well as another goblin foe. After that I had to retreat, with three goblin arrows stuck in my torso, back to let the others take over. Brunt healed me, so I felt safer then, despite the few goblins left scurrying about in that last room.

Fighting through the pain of my wounds to keep the Orb of Hellfire in the battle, I wasn't sure of everything going on at the front. Then I drank a healing potion, and so I felt good as new. I think Nuale' finally came forth, to attack Daviren, since he had kind of been cut off from us by the goblins, my Hellfire, and a corner in the passage. I tried to burn her with it, but she seemed to barely break a sweat, even standing right next to it.

Lyk charged back up to there, attacking Nuale' from around and behind the corner. However, she had hurt Daviren badly. He only had two goblins blocking his possible escape, which led deeper into the fortress; but he would not run, not even to save his life. Lyk was not quick enough, and Nuale' felled Daviren, bleeding on the floor. Those two goblins hacked at his helpless form, until he was dead and in pieces. Then Lyk dealt her another powerful strike with that ax, and she ran - the way Daviren could have.

The two fleet elves immediately gave chase, with Lyk trailing behind them. There were still goblins in the temple and some in the corridors, so Andrien, Brunt and I stayed to mop up. My sphere was in the temple now, and I maintained that at the limit of my range, ignoring the one goblin left next to me. He smote at me, but dropped his dogslicer weapon, and that humorous distraction almost made me lose my concentration more than any threat he could pose to me.

Eventually, the goblins fighting Brunt in the corridor surrendered to him, and he told them to flee down the rope. Andrien had worked his way back to the passage perpendicular to our corridor, by way of fighting through more goblins in the room that he originally had to run from. As the fleeing goblins ran past me and piled up before the rope in a bunch, I heard a strange little voice in my head, almost telling me to Thunderwave and kill them. I thought about it, but I shook my head and winked out that Hellfire Orb. I had never summoned one for so long a time and maybe some of that evil devil stuff was coming through to try to influence me.

Instead of harming those retreating goblins, I ran after Andrien, since he seemed to go the way Nuale' and the rest had. I passed the fallen corpse of Daviren, nearly slipping in all the blood pooling on the ground. The chase led down many stairs and turns, deeper into the Thistletop skull.

Some battle sounds rose up from below, but they were soon quiet. Then I heard Nuale' shouting the name of her demon, "Malefeshnekor," and some other voices. There was the sound of a large metal chain being cut and the blast of some fire from beyond. Just as I rounded the corner into that last room, I found I was too late. Nuale's two bodyguards were here, the ones that goblin archer prisoner now in the Sand Point jail had spoken of: A large man in armor and a woman in robes with a book. I guess they had surrendered to Lyk, or changed sides, since the man had goblin blood covering his sword. I slowly approched toward that woman.

Many of the goblins were dead in there, but something was wrong. Nuale' came in - her body singed and smoking. I had noticed in the fight upstairs that my Fiery orb did not seem to hurt her as much as it could have, and her armor probably afforded her some protection from fire. Now she seemed in pain, but she smiled, just before she fell dead on the flagstones.

(I found out later that Nuale' had threatened to relase the demon, if they would not let her escape. Maybe they didn't know that doing so would kill her - maybe she didn't. The robed woman later said that they were trying to find its real name, to control the demon, and that maybe they would have, given more time. I know it works for devils, so I suppose it's possible.)

Some other goblins rushed in, all them now bowing on their knees and chanting, "Malefeshnekor," over and over again. Beyond that door, where Nuale' had gone and returned from, we could finally see that Demon: a large column of black flame, with thick tendrils of smoke billowing out of it. I don't know if it had eyes or arms, but it seemed to reach out and blast fire at one of the worshiping goblins, immolating it. Then it pointed at another, leaving only a scattered pile of fine gray ash. It proceeded intently, almost casually, to do this in turn to each of the prostrate goblins, but after the first had died, Nuale's two bodyguards began to flee.
"Can it fly?" I asked the woman.
I heard a shouted, "Nooooo.... Run!" echoing over her shoulder, from up the stairwell.

I told them Nuale's armor, sword and amulet were all magical, as I slowly took a step backward for each goblin that it cremated alive. Andrien grabbed Nuale's sword and seven-pointed amulet, while Lyk just hoisted her armored body over his shoulder and lumbered past me up the stairs. Only I, the foolish halfling, lingered to witness this infernal spectacle, peering around the corner of the stairwell, wondering what Malefeshnekor would do next. I wanted to attack him - I had a Force Orb ready to cast - but I didn't think it would do any more than anger him.

I realized that worshiping it, pretending or not, would be no refuge, and that it would just fry me, too. So I turned to hurriedly chase after my companions, to flee Thistletop- now the realm of Malefeshnekor.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Character Traits

Riley's Personality -

Social Interactions:
- Others perceive as Reserved
- How Optomistic? - Self-Assured
- Trusting? Suspicious

Decision Points:
- Assertiveness: Commanding or Adaptable
- Conscientious about following Rules: Pragmatic or Flexible
- How Empathic? Thoughtful or Protective

Dire Straits :
- Courage: Fierce
- When faced by Setbacks, feel: Driven
- Nerves? Calm or Unshakable

Friday, August 22, 2008

Thunder & Plunder

Riley 08/08/08

Across the bridge, what looked like a giant carved rock head seemed to emerge from the sea. It didn't move; it sat there, with eyes and most of the nose up out of the water and the rest submerged. On top of it, we could see guard towers, pickets and occasional movement. That was the Thistletop base of Nuale'. It was said to be tens of thousands of years old, but if it was that old, I think the wind and salt water would have turned it all into sand many years ago. There was some arcane magic at work there. The goblins hadn't seen us yet, so we withdrew to form a plan to rescue Daviren.

Brunt the dwarf checked if people had bows and things, and he asked me, "Do you have a missile weapon?"

"I AM a missile weapon." I said. I guess he hadn't been paying much attention to me, when we fought.

We went back to that sinkhole, to try to find a way down to Daviren, so the goblins couldn't see us. We didn't think that they knew that we were there yet. Since I was lightest, I volunteered to get lowered down into it, on a rope. The rest of these guys are pretty strong, so I felt safe that they wouldn't drop me. I descended into some kind of large cave, and there was tide surging in at the bottom. Just when I got about three feet from the water, something jumped up and bit me! A large slavering mammal, like a monstrous sea lion, sunk its fangs into my leg. Then I threw up my Light, flicked my fingers for a Thunderwave at it - which I think hurt it pretty bad - and scampered back up the rope, yelling for them to pull me up, which they did quickly enough. We later found out that the goblins call that thing, "Yip-Yip."

When I got back up, Brunt healed me, and I suggested that we use the dead rat things, to lower down and draw it out. Then we could fire missiles at it, to clear the way down. So we went back to gather some of the carcasses, but we overheard some goblins nearby. They must have heard my cry for help.

They were playing craps, so that explained why that guard tower was unmanned. Andrian missed the loud one, so I got it with a force missile, dropping it. Next, my force orb missed, and Lyk had got up front to block their charge. They were bottled in and started making a lot of noise, to raise an alarm. So then I charged into the goblins' midst, to try to take them out quickly with a Thunderwave spell, before they could alert the base. One may have hit me, if not for my Shield spell, another missed wildy, and a third one just missed me because I don't think he ever fought a halfling before. The last one got me, but it didn't hurt too badly. I was able to take out just two of them, before the two elves Shalalu and her son Carufinwe finished off the rest; but at the end, one goblin surrendered to Brunt.

Meanwhile, another goblin had snuk up behind this fight, and Andrian scared him off with his daggers. He raised an alarm, too, so I chased after him. I almost caught him somehow, but then I missed him with my force missile spell. I kept after him, but I missed again! When he made it to the still unrepaired bridge, he fell through, trying to crawl across. I had to try not to laugh, since the other goblins were close by. So I went back to the rest, checking the room that last goblin had come from and finding nothing.

We left the maze, to go get the horses. Brunt released his captive, after removing his armor and weapons, but I didn't think that was a good idea, to let our enemy free so close to his camp. So I tried to throw a spell at him, to knock him out. Maybe we could get more information from this goblin. Then Brunt threw an axe at me! He said something about how I shouldn't kill defenseless prisoners, but I don't think he sees the danger in how badly we are outnumbered. I don't know what got into this dwarf. I thought he was alright, but maybe he is just ignorant, too.

Finding another location to reach the beach from, they lowered Andrian down to try to recover Daviren. After some wait, Daviren and Andrian were back up the rope. Andrian also recovered that fallen goblin's things, which I deciphered to both be magical. One was an amulet, for Andrian, and the other was a halfling sized suit of leather armor, of which I took custody. Then we rode back to Sand Point, since it is not far, and we needed to regroup.

Andrian wanted to go to the jail, to store his new goblin archer prisoner. Brunt said he didn't want to go there, if Andrian would use torture. With a wink, I told him, Andrian won't torture anyone if Brunt is there. At the jail, we discovered that Tutso was dead, after he was force-fed a steak by his jailers.

The other goblin prisoner also died in the jail - some sort if crossbow cleaning accident - but Toka was still there, and Andrian questioned her. She said she wasn't afraid of Andrian anymore since, "that shalaka Dwarf," (meaning Brunt) told her that only wizards could use her name against her, writing it down to steal her soul, and she knew that Andrian wasn't a wizard.

"I am a wizard." I told her, before I could stop myself.

"You can do that?" Asked Andrian.

"You want to find out?" I said. He looked away. I didn't want to find out if I could do that either.

Then we questioned the new prisoner and found out that he didn't like Nuale' at all. He said the goblin cheiftain was in love with her. He also told us that Nuale' weilds a big two-handed sword in her one scary hand. He said there are two levels of caves, below the fort on top, which made me bet that there is a way in through the caves below. Maybe that big head had an open mouth under the water, or at least some nostrils to swim up? He did insist that all food and supplies went in only across that bridge. Maybe we could cut off the bridge and trap them inside, trying to starve them out?

This goblin archer had a lot of information:
1) Nuale' had two Longshanks bodyguards. One is a dark skinned woman, with a book - she must be a wizard, too. The other guard is a burly strong man.

2) He said something about how Nuale' has a secret goblin demi-god of flame, in a goblin body. I'm not sure what he is talking about there - probably some magic that he can't explain.

3) Chief Ripnugget fought that horse, Silvermist, and the horse won! The horse is kept in the stable, so maybe if we can get to it, Silvermist will aid us.

4) Brunthalsmus does "nook-nook" with Ripnugget's wife.

5) Yip-Yip - is that thing that attacked me from the water in that sink hole. I think I should go back and take care of ol' 'Yip Yip.'

6) There is a tentacled- faced monster in Nuale's caves, that eats goblins.

Back in town, that girl found Lyk again and carried him away, for some "private conversation." I have to laugh at the way she and Lyk are together, it's funny. I went to visit Amiko, and on the way, I noticd that the Play was running at the theatre that night, so I could try to make some quick coins.

Amiko was happy to see me, and we hugged. She said she wanted me to stay there, and that is was too dangerous for me to go back to fighting goblins. I tried to explain that no one, not even the town, will be safe, until Nuale' is stopped. I stayed with Amiko as long as I could, to help out in anyway way that I knew.

Later, the other guys showed up, and we showed her Tutso's silver flute. We had to tell her that he was dead now. That was not easy. Amiko said she gave that flute to Tutso, so we returned it to her, to keep as a memento. Later that night, I did the play in the theatre, another ok job for five silver, but I have had so much on my mind with Amiko and these goblins, this play just doesn't seem so important, so I couldn't really get into it and fully concentrate. If these people in the audience knew of the serious danger here, would they even enjoy themselves in this distraction?

The next morning, we had told Daviren to meet us on the road at sunrise to ride up to Thistletop again, but instead Andrian rented two small fishing boats to sail up the coast and scout out the skull island. Near the back, he spied a way in. There was something moving, about fifty feet up. Every now an again, some ropey tentacles would reach out and snare a seagull, which would quickly disappear into the recesses. We got the boats close, and Andrian tried to scale up there. He went up three times and he fell down into the water three times, although once he did almost reach the top. Then Lyk stormed up the cliff face in one go. He somehow killed the thing by himself and got a rope down for the rest of us to climb up. I could see Lyk had been bit or caught by its tentacles, and he was moving slowly and stiffly.

This thing was very large- and slimy and smelly- a big worm thing with tentacles on its face, kind of like what that goblin archer had said. Shalalu said it was some abberation, from the Far Realm.

Beyond this thing's cave lair, there were three ways to go further into the cave complex below Thistletop. Andrian heard goblin sounds from one door, and slurping sounds down another passage, so we went the third, quiet, way. Eventually, we came to a demonic chapel, and Andrian heard some dog sounds inside. We had heard that Nuale' had a pet dog, so we formed up to attack. This place had images of forms crawling out of human females and the signs of that devil, Lamashtu. After throwing the doors open, we fought from the tight corridors, but there were two dogs inside. Their otherworldly bay and howl unnerved every one of us. What's more, the dogs would move, disappear for an instant, and then reappear somewhere else. They were hard to fight, but I was in the middle, so I didn't get bit. I just fired off some small spells. Maybe it was harder for Lyk and Brunt, up front near the doors, or for Shalalu who was caught at the back when they blinked from inside the temple to behind her and then kept switching places. Anyway, we were able to kill one off, and I don't think anyone got hurt too badly. The other one ran away, using its special power, back the way we had come.

There was a large statue of Lamashtu inside, next to an altar. We tried to bust up as much of it as we could. Andrian took the weapons from the statue, and Brunt caved in its leg, toppling Lamashtu's statue. Then we heard more goblins getting louder, so they must have heard the dogs' barks.

It was time to go, and only that wounded dog blocked our way, in the last room which faced out to the sea. As we escaped, Andrian left all the doors we passed unlocked and open, to allow the slurping things down here a shot at the goblins. Lyk took quick care of that pup, and we were soon descending down the ropes. I left a flaming sphere in the room, just to cover our escape, in case any goblin archers wanted to fire at us as we left. Back in the boats, we set course to return to Sand Pointe. Next time, we should probably attack by land, since they know we have found this secret entrance.